
Reclaimed granite setts and cobbles are ideal for driveways, courtyards, patios and pathways as an alternative to block paving. Natural stone setts are extremely hardwearing and versatile, and unlike manmade products, their character will improve with age.

Reclaimed granite setts can be less expensive than many types of manmade block paving products, especially in areas of high demand. Reclaimed granite setts are still laid as cobbles streets and alleyways in many parts of the UK today, largely due to the fact that sustainability continues to be a primary concern in the building trade.

Sett sizes can differ. Granite setts that are older tend to be more random in size. If the setts are of a very mature age they can be random in length, width and depth. If the setts are younger, they tend to be more consistent. We would always recommend purchasing reclaimed setts or cobbles according to their width. Random depths can be corrected within the bedding process and random lengths create a truly magnificent look which gives the material character and charm. A consistent width is vital, though, which is why most if not all of our reclaimed setts are sorted into consistent widths.

Our reclaimed setts can be supplied in loose or bulk bagged loads depending on your requirements.

Our range of reclaimed granite setts and cobbles is chopping and changing all the time. If you have a particular product in mind, feel free to contact the team at Milestone directly and we’ll do our best to source the right reclaimed products for your next landscaping project.

 Reclaimed Setts

 Reclaimed Setts

Prices start from £100/tonne (Excluding Vat & Delivery)